今月の主題 最新ガイドラインに基づく喘息とCOPDの診療
刺激薬サルメテロールを中心に.アレルギーの臨 23:873,2003
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3)Shrewsbury S, Pyke S, Britton M:Meta-analysis of increased dose of inhaled steroid or addition of salmeterol in symptomtic asthma(MIASMA). BMJ 320:1368-1373, 2000
4)Davies B, Brooks G, Devoy M:The efficacy and safety of salmeterol compared to theopylline;Meta-analysis of nine controlled studies. Respir Med 92:256-263, 1998
5)Fish JE, et al:Salmeterol powder provides significantly better benefit than montelukast inasthmatic patients receiving concomitant inhaled corticosteroid therapy. Chest l20:423-430, 2001
6)Nelson HS, et al:Fluticasone propionate/salmeterol combination provides more effective asthma control than low-dose inhaled corticosteroid plus montelukast. J Allergy Clin Immunol 106:1088-1095, 2000
7)Currie GP, et al:Effects of montelukast on surrogate inflammatory markers in corticosteroid-treated patients with asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 167:1232-1238, 2003
8)田村 弦,他:成人気管支喘息に対するツロブテロール経皮吸収型製剤(HN-078)の長期投与.臨医薬 2002:1067-1080,1995