今月の主題 ウイルス肝炎 実地診療A to Z
1)Okuse C, et al:Detection, using a novel method, of a high prevalence of cryoglobulinemia in persistent hepatitis C virus infection. Hepatol Res 27:18-22, 2003
2)Zuckerman E, et al:Treatment of refractory, symptomatic, hepatitis C virus related mixed cryoglobulinemia with ribavirin and interferon-alpha. J Rheumatol 27:2172-2178, 2000
3)Arase Y, et al:Glomerulonephritis in autopsy cases with hepatitis C virus infection. Intern Med 37: 836-840, 1998
4)Sabry AA, et al:Effect of combination therapy (ribavirin and interferon) in HCV-related glomerulopathy. Nephrol Dial Transplant 17:1924-1930, 2002
5)松森 昭:HCV感染に起因する肝外病変 肝外病変の主要病態とその対処法 心筋炎・心筋症.ウイルス性肝炎(上)日本臨牀増刊号,pp554-559,日本臨牀社,2004
6)Okano J, et al:Interferon treatment of porphyria cutanea tarda associated with chronic hepatitis type C. Hepatogastroenterology 44:525-528, 1997
7)Nagao Y, et al:Incidence of Sjögren's syndrome in Japanese patients with HCV infection. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 18:258-266, 2003
8)Koike K, et al:Sialadenitis histologically resembling Sjögren syndrome in mice transgenic for hepatitis C virus envelope genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94:233-236, 1997
detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in salivary gland. Am J Pathol 158:259-264, 2001
10)Nagao Y, et al:Lichen planus and hepatitis C virus in the Northern Kyushu region of Japan. Eur J Clin Invest 25:910-914,1995
11)Nagao Y, et al:Effectiveness of glycyrrhizin for oral lichen planus in patients with chronic HCV infection. J Gastroenterol 31:691-695, 1996
12)Mehta SH, et al:Prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus among persons with hepatitis C virus infection in the United States. Ann Intern Med 133:592-599,2001
13)Shintani Y, et al:Hepatitis C virus and diabetes;Direct involvement of the virus in the development of insulin resistance. Gastroenterology 126:840-848, 2004
14)Izumi T, et al:Primary hepatosplenic lymphoma;Association with hepatitis C infection. Blood 87:5380-5381, 1996
15)折田真優,他:C型慢性肝疾患に伴うクリオグロブリン血症及びM蛋白血症に関する検討.聖マリアンナ医科大学雑誌 32:453-460,2004