今月の主題 内科の基本 肺炎をきわめる 市中肺炎
治療反応と治療期間―Q1.治療反応は何を指標に決めるか? Q2. 治療期間はどのように決めるか? Q3. 適切な最短入院期間は?
著者: 杤谷健太郎1
所属機関: 1亀田総合病院総合診療・感染症科
ページ範囲:P.1794 - P.1797
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2)Menendez R, et al:Reaching stability in community-acquired pneumonia:the effects of the severity of disease, treatment, and the characteristics of patients. Clin Infect Dis 39:1783, 2004
3)Fine MJ, et al:Processes and outcomes of care for patients with community-acquired pneumonia:Results from the Pneumonia Patients Outcomes Research Team(PORT) cohort study. Arch Intern Med 159:970, 1999
4)Bruns AH, et al:Patterns of resolution of chest radiograph abnormalities in adults hospitalized with severe community-acquired pneumonia. Clin infect dis 45:983, 2007
5)Mandell LA, et al:Infectious Diseases Society of America/American Thoracic Society consensus guidelines on the management of community-acquired pneumonia in adults. Clin Infect Dis 44:S27-72, 2007
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8)Up To Date online 16.1:Treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in adults who require hospitalization
9)Oosterheert JJ, et al:Effectiveness of early switch from intravenous to oral antibiotics in severe community-acquired pneumonia:multicenter randomized trial. BMJ 333:1193, 2006
10)Nathan RV, et al:In-hospital observation after antibiotic switch in pneumonia:a national evaluation. Am J Med 119:512, 2006