今月の主題 一般内科医が診る循環器疾患―3大病態を把握する
不整脈のマネジメント 【致死性不整脈をいかに停め,回避するか】
●さらにガイドライン2005では,medical emergency teamの整備を提唱している.
●さらにガイドライン2005では,medical emergency teamの整備を提唱している.
1)Nolan JP, et al:Controversial Topics from the 2005 International Consensus Conference on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care science with treatment recommendations. Resuscitation 67:175-179, 2005
2)Rea TD, et al:Increasing use of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during out-of-hospital ventricular fibrillation arrest;Survival implications of guideline changes. Circulation 114:2760-2765, 2006
3)Cummins RO, et al:In-hospital resuscitation;A statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiac Care Committee and the Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Basic Life Support, Pediatric Resuscitation, and Program Administration Subcommittees. Circulation 95:2211-2212, 1997
4)American Heart Association:Guidelines 2000 for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Part 4;The automated external defibrillator:key link in the chain of survival. The American Heart Association in Collaboration with the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation. Circulation 102:I-60-76, 2000
5)American Heart Assciation:Part 4:Advanced Life Support. Circulation 112:III-25-54, 2005
6)Gombotz H, et al:In-hospital cardiac resuscitation outside the ICU by nursing staff equipped with automated external defibrillators―the first 500 cases. Resuscitation 70:416-422, 2006
7)Matot I, et al:In-hospital cardiac arrest:is outcome related to the time of arrest? Resuscitation 71:56-64, 2006
8)Smith H, Conlon L:Composition and performance of a small resuscitation team in a deployed military hospital. Semin Perioper Nurs 10:141-148, 2001
9)Kinney KG, Boyd SY, Simpson DE:Guidelines for appropriate in-hospital emergency team time management;The Brooke Army Medical Center approach. Resuscitation 60:33-38, 2004
10)American Heart Association;Part 2:Ethical Aspects of CPR and ECC. Circulation 102:I-12-21, 2000