今月の主題 炎症性腸疾患と機能性腸疾患─病態の理解と求められる対応
1)Kanazawa M, et al:Patients and nonconsulters with irritable bowel syndrome reporting a parental history of bowel problems have more impaired psychological distress. Dig Dis Sci 49:1046-1053, 2004
2)Drossman DA:The functional gastrointestinal disorders and the Rome III process. Gastroenterology 130:1377-1390, 2006
3)Drossman DA, et al:Psychosocial factors in the irritable bowel syndrome;A multivariate study of patients and nonpatients with irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology 95:701-708, 1998
4)Creed F, et al:Outcome in severe irritable bowel syndrome with and without accompanying depressive, panic and neurasthenic disorders. Br J Psychiatry 186:507-515, 2005
5)Peveler R, et al:Depression in medical patients. BMJ 325:149-152, 2002
6)遠藤由香・他:過敏性腸症候群におけるパニック障害.心身医学 40:339-346,2000
7)Pinto C, et al:Stressful life-events, anxiety, depression and coping in patients of irritable bowel syndrome. J Assoc Physicians India 48:589-593, 2000
8)石川ひろの,中尾睦宏:患者-医師間コミュニケーションにおけるEBMとNBM:Roter Interraction Analysis Systemを用いたアプローチ.心身医学 47:201-211,2007
9)Buller MK, Buller DB:Physicians' communication style and patient satisfaction. J Health SocBehav 28:375-388, 1987
10)Bensing J:Docter-patient communication and quality of care. Soc Sci Med 32:1301-1310, 1991
11)Borgers R, et al:The information-seeking behavior of cancer outpatients;A description of the situation. Patient Educ Couns 22:35-46, 1993
12)福土 審・他:過敏性腸症候群.小牧 元ほか(編):心身症診断・治療ガイドライン2006,pp.11-40,協和企画,2006