今月の主題 肺血栓塞栓症 見逃さず迅速かつ的確な対応を
●ヨード系造影剤の使えないアレルギー,腎機能低下症例や,妊婦,臨床的に強く疑われるのにCTで陰性であった場合(末梢性のshower embolismなど),血栓溶解療法の際の治療効果判定例などに核医学検査を施行する.
●ヨード系造影剤の使えないアレルギー,腎機能低下症例や,妊婦,臨床的に強く疑われるのにCTで陰性であった場合(末梢性のshower embolismなど),血栓溶解療法の際の治療効果判定例などに核医学検査を施行する.
1)Diffin DC, et al:Effect of anatomic distribution of pulmonary emboli on interobserver agreement in the interpretation of pulmonary angiography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 171:1085-1089, 1998
2)Coche EE, et al:Using dual-detector helical CT angiography to detect deep venous thrombosis in patients with suspicion of pulmonary embolism:diagnostic value and additional findings. Am J Roentgenol 176:1035-1039, 2001
3)Anderson DR, et al:Computed tomographic pulmonary angiography vs ventilation-perfusion lung scanning in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism;A randomized controlled trial. JAMA 298:2743-2753, 2007
4)Hayashino Y, et al:Ventilation-perfusion scanning and helical CT in suspected pulmonary embolism:meta-analysis of diagnostic performance. Radiology 234:740-748, 2005
5)Stein PD, et al:Diagnostic pathways in acute pulmonary embolism;Recommendations of the PIOPED II investigators. Am J Med 119:1048-1055, 2006
6)Koizumi J, et al:Magnetic resonance venography of the lower limb. Int Angiol 26:171-82, 2007