今月の主題 ワンランク上の内科エマージェンシー―もうだまされない! 非典型例から最新知識まで
治療のためのカギ 【患者マネジメント】
1)Albers GW, et al:Transient ischemic attack;proposal for a new definition. N Engl J Med 347:1713-1716, 2002
2)Shah KH, et al:Short-term prognosis of stroke among patients diagnosed in the emergency department with a transient ischemic attack. Ann Emerg Med 51:316-323, 2008
3)Shah KH, et al:Clinical prediction rules to stratify short-term risk of stroke among patients diagnosed in the emergency department with a transient ischemic attack. Ann Emerg Med 53:662-673, 2009
4)Rothwell PM, et al:Effect of urgent treatment of transient ischaemic attack and minor stroke on early recurrent stroke(EXPRESS study);A prospective population-based sequential comparison. Lancet 370:1432-1442, 2007
5)Luengo-Fernandez R, et al:Effect of urgent treatment for transient ischaemic attack and minor stroke on disability and hospital costs(EXPRESS study);A prospective population-based sequential comparison. Lancet Neurol 8:235-243, 2009
6)Johnston SC, et al:Short-term prognosis after emergency department diagnosis of TIA. JAMA 284:2901-2906, 2000
7)Rothwell PM, et al:A simple score (ABCD) to identify individuals at high early risk of stroke after transient ischaemic attack. Lancet 366:29-36, 2005
8)Johnston SC, et al:Validation and refinement of scores to predict very early stroke risk after transient ischaemic attack. Lancet 369:283-292, 2007
9)Chandratheva A, et al:Population-based study of risk and predictors of stroke in the first few hours after a TIA. Neurology 72:1941-1947, 2009
10)Fothergill A, et al:Validation and refinement of the ABCD2 Score;a population-based analysis. Stroke 40:2669-2673, 2009
11)National Stroke Association:Transient Ischemic Attack(TIA);Prognosis and key management considerations.(www.stroke.org/)