今月の主題 虚血性心疾患―プライマリケアは内科医が担う
★急性冠症候群の責任病変となりうるプラークは,一般的に脆弱性プラーク(vulnerable plaque)と呼ばれるが,その診断にあたってはプラークの大きさなど量的診断のみならず,プラークの組織性状や線維性被膜の厚さなどを含めた質的診断が重要である.
★急性冠症候群の責任病変となりうるプラークは,一般的に脆弱性プラーク(vulnerable plaque)と呼ばれるが,その診断にあたってはプラークの大きさなど量的診断のみならず,プラークの組織性状や線維性被膜の厚さなどを含めた質的診断が重要である.
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2)Boden WE, et al:Optimal medical therapy with or without PCI for stable coronary disease. N Engl J Med 356:1503-1516, 2007
3)Kotani J, et al:Intravascular ultrasound analysis of infarct-related and non-infarct related arteries in patients who presented with an acute myocardial infarction. Circulation 107:2889-2893, 2003
4)Sano K, et al:Assessment of vulnerable plaques causing acute coronary syndrome using integrated backscatter intravascular ultrasound. J Am Coll Cardiol 47:734-741, 2006
intravascular ultrasound-drived thin-cap fibroatheroma detection using ultrasound radiofrequency data analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 46:2038-2042, 2005
6)Kitabata H, et al:Relation of micro-channel structure identified by optical coherence tomography to plaque vulnerability in patients with coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 105:1673-1678, 2010
7)Kubo T, et al:Assessment of culprit lesion morphology in acute myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 50:933-939, 2007
8)Ueda Y, et al:Assessment of plaque vulnerability by angioscopic classification of plaque color. Am Heart J 148:333-335, 2004
9)Kubo T, et al:Implication of plaque color classification for assessing plaque vulnerability;A coronary angioscopy and optical coherence tomography investigation. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 1:74-80, 2008
10)Takano M, et al:Changes in coronary plaque color and morphology by lipid-lowering therapy with atrovastatin;Serial evaluation by coronary angioscopy. J Am Coll Cardiol 42:680-686, 2003