今月の主題 脂質異常症―動脈硬化症を予防するためのStrategy
ガイドラインをめぐって 【脂質異常症をどの程度に管理すべきと考えるか】
★予後不良とされる急性冠症候群(acute coronary syndrome:ACS)も積極的脂質低下療法により予後改善効果は実証されており,現在LDL-C達成目標値はより下げる方向にある.
★予後不良とされる急性冠症候群(acute coronary syndrome:ACS)も積極的脂質低下療法により予後改善効果は実証されており,現在LDL-C達成目標値はより下げる方向にある.
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13)Nissen SE, et al;REVERSAL Investigators:Effect of intensive compared with moderate lipid-lowering therapy on progression of coronary atherosclerosis:A randomized controlled trial. JAMA 291:1071-1080, 2004
14)Nissen SE, et al;ASTERIOD Investigators:Effect of very high-intensity statin therapy on regression of coronary atherosclerosis:The ASTEROID tiral. JAMA 295:1556-1565, 2006
15)Okazaki S, et al:Early statin treatment in patients with acute coronary syndrome;demonstration of the beneficial effect on atherosclerotic lesions by serial volumetric intravascular ultrasound analysis during half a year after coronary event:the ESTABLISH Study. Ciruculation 110:1061-1068, 2004
16)Hiro T, et al;JAPAN-ACS investigators:Effect of intensive statin therapy on regression coronary atherosclerosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome:A multicenter randomized trial evaluated by volumetric intravascular ultrasound using pitavastatin versus atorvastatin(JAPAN-ACS [Japan assessment of pitavastatin and atorvastatin in acute coronary syndrome] study). J Am CollCardiol 54:293-302, 2009
17)Takayama T, et al:Effect of Rosuvastatin on Coronary Atheroma in Stable Coronary Artery Disease;Multicenter Coronary Atherosclerosis Study Measuring Effects of Rosuvastatin Using Intravascular Ultrasound in Japanease Subjects(COSMOS). Circ J 73:2110-2117, 2009
18)Von Birgelen C, et al:Relationship between cardiovascular risk as predicted by established risk scores versus plaque progression as measured by serial intravascular ultrasound in left main coronary arteries. Circulation 110:1579-1585, 2004