今月の主題 睡眠呼吸障害の克服―内科医が知っておきたい病態・症状・関連疾患
1)Young T, et al:The occurrence of sleep-disordered breathing among middle-aged adults. N Engl J Med 328:1230-1235, 1993
2)Bixler EO, et al:Prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in women;Effects of gender. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 163:608-613, 2001
3)Strohl KP, Redline S:Recognition of obstructive sleep apnea. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 154:279-289, 1996
4)Nakayama-Ashida Y, et al:Sleep-disordered breathing in the usual lifestyle setting as detected with home monitoring in a population of working men in Japan. Sleep 31:419-425, 2008
5)Young T, et al:Menopausal status and sleep-disordered breathing in the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 167:1181-1185, 2002
6)Regensteiner JG, et al:Combined effects of female hormones and metabolic rate on ventilatory drives in women. J Appl Physiol 66:808-813, 1989
7)Popovic RM, White D:Upper airway muscle activity in normal women;Influence of hormonal stutus. J Appl Physiol 84:1055-1062, 1998
8)Marin JM, et al:Long-term cardiovascular outcomes in men with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea with or without treatment with continuous positive airway pressure;An observational study. Lancet 365:1046-1053, 2005
9)Punjabi NM, et al:Sleep-disordered breathing and mortality;A prospective cohort study. PLOS Medicine 6:1-9, 2009