今月の主題 睡眠呼吸障害の克服―内科医が知っておきたい病態・症状・関連疾患
1)Lamphere J, et al:Recovery of alertness after CPAP in apnea. Chest 96:33-38, 1990
2)Walthorn RE, et al:Long-term compliance with nasal continuous positive airway pressure of obstructive sleep apnea. Chest 97:33-38, 1990
3)Cartwright RD, Knights S:Silent partners;The wives of sleep apneic patients. Sleep 10:244-248, 1987
4)Kales A, et al:Severe obstructive sleep apnea-Ⅱ; Associated psychopathology and psychocial consequences. J Chronic Dis 38:427-434, 1985
5)Berry DT, et al:Nocturnal hyoxia and neuropsuchological variables. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 8:229-238, 1986
6)Derderian SS, et al:Improve after treatment with nasal continuous positive airway pressure. Chest 94:1023-1027, 1988
7)Yang EH, et al:Sleep apnea and quality of life. Sleep 23:535-541, 2000
8)D'Ambrosio C, Bowman T, Mohsenin V:Quality of life in patients with obstructive sleep apnea;Effects of nasal continuous positive airway pressure;A prospective study. Chest 115:123-129, 1999
9)Engleman HM, et al:Randomized placebo controlled trial of daytime function after continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP)therapy for the sleep apnea/hyopopnea syndrome. Thorax 53:341-345, 1998
10)Jenkinson C, et al:Comparison of therapeutic and subtherapeutic nasal continuous positive airway pressure for obstructive sleep apnea;A randomized prospective parallel trial. Lancet 353:2100-2105, 1999
11)Millman RP, et al:Depression as a manifestation of obstructive sleep apnea;Reversal with nasal continuous positive airway pressure. J Clin Psychiatry 5:348-351, 1989
12)Sanchez AI, et al:The effects of continuous positive aire pressure treatment on anxiety and depression levels in apnea patients;Psychiatry Clin. Neurosciences 55:641-646, 2001
13)Watson R, Greenberg G, Bakos L:Sleep apnea and depression. Sleep Res 16:293, 1987
14)Habukawa M, et al:Emotional states and quality of life in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep and Biological Rhythms 3:99-105, 2005