今月の主題 内科疾患の予防戦略
1)O'Grady NP, et al:Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections. CID 52:e1-e32, 2011
2)Maki DG, Ringer M, Alvarado CJ:Prospective randomised trial of povidone-iodine, alcohol, and chlorhexidine for prevention of infection associated with central venous and arterial catheters. Lancet 338:339-343, 1991
3)Mimoz O, et al:Prospective, randomized trial of two antiseptic solutions for prevention of central venous or arterial catheter colonization and infection in intensive care unit patients. Crit Care Med 24:1818-1823, 1996
4)Chaiyakunapruk N, et al:Vascular catheter site care;The clinical and economic benefits of chlorhexidine gluconate compared with povidone iodine. Clin Infect Dis 37:764-771, 2003
5)Lai KK:Safety of prolonging peripheral cannula and i.v. tubing use from 72 hours to 96 hours. Am J Infect Control 26:66-70, 1998