今月の主題 外してならない循環器薬の使い方 2012
1)Rost S, et al:Mutations in VKORC1 cause warfarin resistance and multiple coagulation factor deficiency type 2. Nature 427:537-541, 2004
2)高橋晴美:抗凝固薬ワルファリンのトランスレーショナルPK/PD研究.日薬理誌136:229-232, 2010
3)Hirsh J, et al:Antithrombotic and thrombolytic therapy, 8th ed:ACCP guidelines;Executive Summary. Chest 133:71S-109S, 2008
4)Mori T, et al:Anticoagulant therapy after prosthetic valve replacement-optimal PT-INR in Japanese patients. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 8:83-87, 2002
5)Yamaguchi T:Optimal intensity of warfarin therapy for secondary prevention of stroke in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation;A multicenter prospective randomized trial. Japanese NVAF-Embolism Secondary prevention Cooperative Study Group. Stroke 31:817-821, 2000
6)Pisters R, et al:A novel, user-friendly score(HAS-BLED)to assess one-year risk of major bleeding in atrial fibrillation patients;The Euro Heart Survey. Chest 138:1093-1100, 2010
7)日本消化器内視鏡リスクマネージメント委員会:内視鏡治療時の抗凝固薬,抗血小板薬使用に関する指針.Gastroenterol Endosc 47:2691-2695, 2005
8)Ezekowitz MD, et al:Rationale and design of RE-LY;Randomized evaluation of long-term anticoagulant therapy, warfarin, compared with dabigatran. Am Heart J 157:805-810, 2009
9)日本循環器学会:「心房細動治療(薬物)ガイドライン2008年改訂版」緊急ステートメント,2011年8月 http://www.j-circ.or.jp/guideline/pdf/statement.pdf