今月の主題 外してならない循環器薬の使い方 2012
身につけるべき基本的な循環器薬の使い方 【カルシウム拮抗薬】
1)Pitt B, et al:Effects of amlodipine on the progression of atherosclerosis and the occurrence of clinical events. Circulation 102:1503-1510, 2000
2)Nissen SE, et al:Effects of antihypertensive agents on cardiovascular events in patients with coronary disease and normal blood pressure.JAMA 292:2217-2225, 2004
3)Rothwell PM, et al:Prognostic significance of visit-to-visit variability,maximum systolic blood pressure, and episodic hypertension. Lancet 375:895-905, 2010
4)Rothwell PM, et al:Effects of beta blockers and calcium-channel blockers on within-individual variability in blood pressure and risk of stroke. Lancet Neurology 9:469-480, 2010
5)Webb AJ, et al:Effects of antihypertensive-drug class on interindividual variation in blood pressure and risk of stroke;A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet 375:906-915, 2010