今月の主題 痛風・高尿酸血症診療の新展開
1)冨田眞佐子,水野正一:高尿酸血症は増加しているか?;性差を中心に.痛風と核酸代謝30:1-5, 2006
2)宮田恵里,他:高血圧患者における高尿酸血症の実態と尿酸動態についての検討.血圧15:890-891, 2008
3)Taniguchi Y, et al:Serum uric acid and the risk for hypertension and type 2 diabetes in Japanese men;The Osaka Health Survey. J Hypertens 19:1209-1215, 2001
4)Grayson P, et al:Hyperuricemia and incident hypertension;A systemic review and meta-analysis. Arthritis Care Res 63:102-110, 2011
5)Feig DI, et al:Effect of allopurinol on blood pressure of adolescents with newly diagnosed essential hypertension;A randomized trial. JAMA 300:924-932, 2008
6)Talaat KM, el-Sheikh AR:The effect of mild hyperuricemia on urinary transforming growth factor beta and the progression of chronic kidney disease. Am J Nephrol 27:435-440, 2007
8)DeMarco MAM, et al:Diuretic use, increased serum urate levels, and risk of incident gout in a population-based study of adults with hypertension. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Cohort Study. Arthritis Rheum 64:121-129, 2012
9)Choi HK, et al:Antihypertensive drugs and risk of incident gout among patients with hypertension:population based case-control study. BMJ 344:d8190, 2012