特集 糖尿病治療薬Update—適正使用に向けて
●CGMには後ろ向きのprofessional CGMとリアルタイムCGM(personal CGM)がある.
●CGMには後ろ向きのprofessional CGMとリアルタイムCGM(personal CGM)がある.
1)Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Continuous Glucose Monitoring Study Group, et al:Continuous glucose monitoring and intensive treatment of type 1 diabetes. N Engl J Med 359:1464-1476, 2008
2)Pickup JC, et al:Glycaemic control in type 1 diabetes during real time continuous glucose monitoring compared with self monitoring of blood glucose;Meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials using individual patient data. BMJ 343:d3805, 2011
3)Bergenstal RM, et al:Effectiveness of sensor-augmented insulin-pump therapy in type 1 diabetes. N Engl J Med 363:311-320, 2010
4)Yeh HC, et al:Comparative effectiveness and safety of methods of insulin delivery and glucose monitoring for diabetes mellitus. Ann Inter Med 157:336-346, 2012
5)Bergenstal RM, et al:Threshold-based insulin-pump interruption for reduction of hypoglycemia. N Engl J Med 369:224-232, 2013