特集 脳卒中はこう診る—新ガイドラインで何が変わったか
●最新のメタ解析では,発症4.5時間以内の急性期脳梗塞に対するrecombinant tissue plasminogen activatorを用いた経静脈的な血栓溶解療法(tPA静注療法)の有効性と安全性が改めて示された.
●最新のメタ解析では,発症4.5時間以内の急性期脳梗塞に対するrecombinant tissue plasminogen activatorを用いた経静脈的な血栓溶解療法(tPA静注療法)の有効性と安全性が改めて示された.
1)Emberson J, et al:Effect of treatment delay, age, and stroke severity on the effects of intravenous thrombolysis with alteplase for acute ischaemic stroke;A meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomised trials. Lancet 384:1929-1935, 2014
2)Aoki J, et al:NIHSS-time score easily predicts outcomes in rt-PA patients;The SAMURAI rt-PA registry. J Neurol Sci 327:6-11, 2013
3)Campbell BC, et al:Twenty-Year History of the Evolution of Stroke Thrombolysis With Intravenous Alteplase to Reduce Long-Term Disability. Stroke 46:2341-2346, 2015
4)Fisher M, et al:Future directions of acute ischaemic stroke therapy. Lancet Neurol 14:758-767, 2015
5)Thomalla G, et al:A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to test efficacy and safety of magnetic resonance imaging-based thrombolysis in wake-up stroke(WAKE-UP). Int J Stroke 9:829-836, 2014