特集 内科医がになう骨粗鬆症—診療と生活指導の最新情報
●骨粗鬆症の危険因子として血清25-hydroxyvitamin Dに着目したところ,その高値は,将来の骨粗鬆症の発生リスク(大腿骨頸部)を有意に低減した.
●骨粗鬆症の危険因子として血清25-hydroxyvitamin Dに着目したところ,その高値は,将来の骨粗鬆症の発生リスク(大腿骨頸部)を有意に低減した.
1)NIH Consensus Development Panel:Osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis, and therapy. JAMA 285:785-795, 2001
2)Yoshimura N, et al:Prevalence of knee osteoarthritis, lumbar spondylosis and osteoporosis in Japanese men and women;the research on osteoarthritis/osteoporosis against dtsability study. J Bone Miner Metab 27:620-628, 2009
3)Yoshimura N, et al:Cohort profile;research on Osteoarthritis/osteoporosis Against Disability(ROAD)study. Int J Epidemiol 39:988-995, 2010
4)Yoshimura N, et al:Serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and the occurrence of musculoskeletal diseases;a three-year follow-up to the ROAD study. Osteoporos Int 26:151-161, 2015
5)World Health Organization:Assessment of fracture risk and its application to screening for postmenopausal osteoporosis. WHO Technical Report Series 843, WHO, Geneva, 1994
6)Yoshimura N, et al:Profiles of vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency in Japanese men and women;association with biological, environmental, and nutritional factors and coexisting disorders;the ROAD study. Osteoporos Int 24:2775-2787, 2013