増刊号 内科診断の道しるべ—その症候、どう診る どう考える
□足関節上腕血圧比(ankle brachial pressure index:ABI)は正常か.
□足関節上腕血圧比(ankle brachial pressure index:ABI)は正常か.
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2)土田博光,他:間歇性跛行に対する保存療法の評価.脈管学41:327-332, 2001
3)Regensteiner JG, et al:Effect of cilostazol on treadmill walking, community-based walking ability, and health-related quality of life in patients with intermittent claudication due to peripheral arterial disease;meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials. J Am Geriatr Soc 50:1939-1946, 2002
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5)Matsuo H, Shigematsu H:Effects of the 5-HT2A antagonist sarpogrelate on walking ability in patients with intermittent claudication as measured using the walking impairment questionnaire. Ann Vasc Dis 1:102-110, 2008