特集 プライマリ・ケアのための—ポリファーマシー「超」整理法
◎慢性心不全患者にACP(advance care planning)の導入を検討し,そのなかでの薬剤中止という考え方は必要な選択肢である.
◎慢性心不全患者にACP(advance care planning)の導入を検討し,そのなかでの薬剤中止という考え方は必要な選択肢である.
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7)Starling RC, Young JB:Tolvaptan in acute heart failure:Time to move on. J Am Coll Cardiol 69:1407-1408, 2017
8)Sudore RL, et al:Defining advance care planning for adults:A consensus definition from a multidisciplinary delphi panel. J Pain Symptom Manage 53:821-832. e1, 2017
9)Rietjens JAC, et al:Definition and recommendations for advance care planning:An international consensus supported by the European Association for Palliative Care. Lancet Oncol 18:e543-e551, 2017
10)Lu YW, et al:Lipid paradox in patients with acute myocardial infarction:Potential impact of malnutrition. Clin Nutr 38:2311-2318, 2019