特集 一歩踏み込んだ—内科エマージェンシーのトリセツ
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1)Prandoni P, et al:Prevalence of pulmonary embolism among patients hospitalized for syncope. N Engl J Med 375:1524-1531, 2016
2)Freund Y, et al;PROPER Investigator Group:Effect of the pulmonary embolism rule-out criteria on subsequent thromboembolic events among low-risk Emergency department patients:The PROPER randomized clinical trial. JAMA 319:559-566, 2018
3)Wells PS, et al:Derivation of a simple clinical model to categorize patients probability of pulmonary embolism:Increasing the models utility with the SimpliRED D-dimer. Thromb Haemost 83:416-420, 2000
4)Le Gal G, et al:Prediction of pulmonary embolism in the emergency department:The revised Geneva score. Ann Intern Med 144:165-171, 2006
5)Risk of intravenous contrast material-mediated acute kidney injury:A propensity score-matched study stratified by baseline-estimated glomerular filtration rate. Radiology 271:65-73, 2014