特集 みんなが知っておきたい透析診療—透析のキホンと患者の診かた
◎基本的に透析導入の適応は“AIUEO”〔Acidosis(アシドーシス),Intoxication(薬物中毒),Uremic symptoms(尿毒症症状),Electrolyte disturbance(電解質異常),volume Overload(体液過剰)〕で考える.
◎基本的に透析導入の適応は“AIUEO”〔Acidosis(アシドーシス),Intoxication(薬物中毒),Uremic symptoms(尿毒症症状),Electrolyte disturbance(電解質異常),volume Overload(体液過剰)〕で考える.
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2)Barbar SD, et al:Timing of renal-replacement therapy in patients with acute kidney injury and sepsis. N Engl J Med 379:1431-1442, 2018
3)Lumlertgul N, et al:Early versus standard initiation of renal replacement therapy in furosemide stress test non-responsive acute kidney injury patients(the FST trial). Crit Care 22:101-110, 2018
4)川口良人,他:透析導入ガイドラインの作成に関する研究.平成3年度厚生科学研究.腎不全医療研究事業報告書,pp 125-132, 1992
5)日本透析医学会:維持血液透析ガイドライン;血液透析導入.透析会誌46:1107-1155, 2013
6)Yazawa M, et al:Early mortality was highly and strongly associated with functional status in incident Japanese hemodialysis patients;A cohort study of the large national dialysis registry. PLoS One 11:e0156951, 2016
7)Goodkin DA, et al:Association of comorbid conditions and mortality in hemodialysis patients in Europe, Japan, and the United States;The Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study(DOPPS). J Am Soc Nephrol 14:3270-3277, 2003
8)Robinson BM, et al:Worldwide, mortality risk is high soon after initiation of hemodialysis. Kidney Int 85:158-165, 2014
9)Kurella Tamura M, et al:Functional status of elderly adults before and after initiation of dialysis. N Engl J Med 361:1539-1547, 2009