特集 デキル内科医のコンサルト—専門医が教える隠れたエッセンス
1)Korner H, et al:Incidence of acute nonperforated and perforated appendicitis;Age-specific and sex-specific analysis. World J Surg 21:313-317, 1997
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3)Andersson RE, et al:Diagnostic value of disease history, clinical presentation, and inflammatory parameters of appendicitis. World J Surg 23:133-140, 1999
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5)Coleman C, et al:White blood cell count is a poor predictor of severity of disease in the diagnosis of appendicitis. Am Surg 64:983-985, 1998
6)Anderson REB: Meta-analysis of the clinical and laboratory diagnosis of appendicitis. BJS 91: 28-37, 2004
7)Rao PM, et al:Sensitivity and specificity of the individual CT signs of appendicitis;Experience with 200 helical appendiceal CT examinations. J Comput Assist Tomogr 21:686-692, 1997
8)John H, et al:Appendicitis diagnosis today;Clinical ultrasonic dductions. World J Surg 17:243-249, 1993
9)Addiss DG, et al: The epidemiology of appendicitis and appendectomy in the United States. Am J Epidemiol 132: 910-925, 1990
10)Lee SL, et al:Computed tomography and ultrasonography do not improve and may delay the diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis. Arch Surg 136:556-562, 2001
11)Falch C, et al:Treatment of acute abdominal pain in the emergency room;A systematic review of the literature. Eur J Pain 18:902-913, 2014
12)United Kingdom National Surgical Research Collaborative, Bhangu A: Safety of short, in-hospital delays before surgery for acute appendicitis: multicenter cohort study, systematic review, and meta-analysis. Ann Surg 259: 894-903, 2014
13)急性腹症診療ガイドライン出版委員会(編):急性腹症診療ガイドライン2015. 医学書院, 2015
14)Brown D, et al:Psychological Consultation and Collaboration;Introduction to Theory and Practice(7th edition), Pearson, Boston, 1995