特集 外来で役立つAha!クエスチョン—この症状で、次は何を聞く?
主訴 慢性咳嗽
主訴 慢性咳嗽
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3)Yamasaki A, et al:Cough and asthma diagnosis;physicians' diagnosis and treatment of patients Complaining of acute, subacute and chronic cough in rural areas of Japan. Int J Gen Med 3:101-107, 2010
4)石田 直,他:成人遷延性咳嗽患者における感染後咳嗽の臨床的検討.日呼吸会誌48:179-185, 2010
5)Niimi A, et al:Cough variant and cough-predominant asthma are major causes of persistent cough;A multicenter study in Japan. J Asthma 50:932-937, 2013
6)Watanabe K, et al:Measurement of eNO with portable analyser might improve the management of persistent cough at primary care practice in Japan. Clin Respir J 10:380-388, 2016
7)Kanemitsu Y, et al:Clinical impact of gastroesophageal reflux disease in patients with subacute/chronic cough. Allergol Int 68:478-485, 2019
8)日本呼吸器学会 咳嗽・喀痰の診療ガイドライン2019作成委員会(編):咳嗽・喀痰の診療ガイドライン2019,メディカルレビュー社,2019