特集 外来で出会うアレルギー疾患—Total Allergist入門
1)Brough HA, et al:Peanut protein in household dust is related to household peanut consumption and is biologically active. J Allergy Clin Immunol 132:630-638, 2013
2)Brough HA:Atopic dermatitis increases the effect of exposure to peanut antigen in dust on peanut sensitization and likely peanut allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 135:164-170, 2015
3)Kitazawa H, et al:Egg antigen was more abundant than mite antigen in children's bedding;Findings of the pilot study of the Japan Environment and Children's Study(JECS). Allergol Int 68:391-393, 2019
4)Trendelenburg V, et al:Hen's egg allergen in house and bed dust is significantly increased after hen's egg consumption;A pilot study. Allergy 73:261-264, 2018
5)Lack G:Epidemiologic risks for food allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol 121:1331-1336, 2008
6)Pitt TJ, et al:Reduced risk of peanut sensitization following exposure through breast-feeding and early peanut introduction. J Allergy Clin Immunol 141:620-625, 2018
7)Flohr C, et al:Atopic dermatitis and disease severity are the main risk factors for food sensitization in exclusively breastfed infants. J Invest Dermatol 134:345-350, 2014
8)Shoda T, et al:Timing of eczema onset and risk of food allergy at 3 years of age;A hospital-based prospective birth cohort study. J Dermatol Sci 84:144-148, 2016
9)Roduit C, et al:Phenotypes of atopic dermatitis depending on the timing of onset and progression in childhood. JAMA Pediatr 171:655-662, 2017
10)Yamamoto-Hanada K, et al:Four phenotypes of atopic dermatitis in Japanese children;A general population birth cohort study. Allergol Int 68:521-523, 2019
11)Miyaji Y, et al:Earlier aggressive treatment to shorten the duration of eczema in infants resulted in fewer food allergies at 2 years of age. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 8:1721-1724, 2020
12)山﨑晃嗣,他:食物アレルギー発症予防を目的とした乳児期早期の湿疹に対するプロアクティブ療法の効果;後方視的ケースコントロールスタディ.近畿大医誌 41:9-16, 2016
13)Lack G, et al:Factors associated with the development of peanut allergy in childhood. N Engl J Med 348:977-985, 2003
14)Yagami A, et al:Outbreak of immediate-type hydrolyzed wheat protein allergy due to a facial soap in Japan. J Allergy Clin Immunol 140:879-881, 2017