特集 令和の頭痛診療—プライマリ・ケア医のためのガイド
頭痛診療のTips&Topics 〈頭痛診療のTopics〉
◎片頭痛急性期治療薬および予防薬に十分満足していないとするデータが報告され,これまでの治療薬では解決できないunmet needsが存在している.
◎片頭痛急性期治療薬および予防薬に十分満足していないとするデータが報告され,これまでの治療薬では解決できないunmet needsが存在している.
2)Headache Classification Committee of the International Headache Society(IHS):The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition. Cephalalgia 38:1-211, 2018
3)GBD 2015 Neurological Disorders Collaborator Group:Global, regional, and national burden of neurological disorders during 1990-2015;A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet Neurol 16:877-897, 2017
4)Sakai F, Igarashi H:Prevalence of migraine in Japan;A nationwide survey. Cephalalgia 17:15-22, 1997
5)Takeshima T, et al:Population-based door-to-door survey of migraine in Japan;The Daisen study. Headache 44:8-19, 2004
7)Sances G, et al:Course of migraine during pregnancy and postpartum;A prospective study. Cephalalgia 23:197-205, 2003
8)GBD 2016 Headache Collaborators:Global, regional, and national burden of migraine and tension-type headache, 1990-2016;A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Lancet Neurol 17:954-976, 2018
9)Shimizu T, et al:Disability, quality of life, productivity impairment and employer costs of migraine in the workplace. J Headache Pain 22:29, 2021
10)Ueda K, et al:Real-world treatment patterns and patient-reported outcomes in episodic and chronic migraine in Japan;Analysis of data from the Adelphi migraine disease specific programme. J Headache Pain 20:68, 2019
11)Allen D, et al:Four-year review of presenteeism data among employees of a large United States health care system;A retrospective prevalence study. Hum Resour Health 16:59, 2018
12)Igarashi H, et al:Social burden of people with the migraine diagnosis in Japan;Evidence from a population-based cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open 10:e038987, 2020
13)Rao D, et al:Stigma across neurological conditions;The development of the Stigma Scale for Chronic Illness(SSCI). Qual Life Res 18:585-595, 2009
14)Shapiro RE, et al:Stigmatizing attitudes about migraine by people without migraine;Results of the OVERCOME study. Headache 59 Suppl 1:14-16, 2019
15)Suzuki N, et al:Prevalence and characteristics of headaches in a socially active population working in the Tokyo metropolitan area;Surveillance by an industrial health consortium. Intern Med 53:683-689, 2014
16)Takeshima T, et al:Prevalence, burden, and clinical management of migraine in China, Japan, and South Korea;A comprehensive review of the literature. J Headache Pain 20:111, 2019