増刊号 フィジカル大全
第1章 全身
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6)Drazner MH, et al:Prognostic importance of elevated jugular venous pressure and a third heart sound in patients with heart failure. N Engl J Med 345:574-581, 2001
7)Kasai K, et al:Response of jugular venous pressure to exercise in patients with heart failure and its prognostic usefulness. Am J Cardiol 125:1524-1528, 2020
8)Polsinelli VB, et al:Visceral congestion in heart failure;Right ventricular dysfunction, splanchnic hemodynamics, and the intestinal microenvironment. Curr Heart Fail Rep 14:519-528, 2017
9)Sundaram V, Fang JC:Gastrointestinal and liver issues in heart failure. Circulation 133:1696-1703, 2016
10)Valentova M, et al:Cardiac cachexia is associated with right ventricular failure and liver dysfunction. Int J Cardiol 169:219-224, 2013
11)Melenovsky V, et al:Relationships between right ventricular function, body composition, and prognosis in advanced heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 62:1660-1670, 2013