特集 日常診療に潜む臨床検査のピットフォールを回避せよ
各論 <血液・凝固・線溶系検査>
主 訴 胸痛
主 訴 胸痛
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5)Hazui H, et al:Young adult patients with short dissection length and thrombosed false lumen without ulcer-like projections are liable to have false-negative results of D-dimer testing for acute aortic dissection based on a study of 113 cases. Circ J 70:1598-1601, 2006
6)Yang G, et al:Characteristics and prognosis of acute type A aortic dissection with negative D-dimer result. Am J Emerg Med 38:1820-1824, 2020
7)Nitta K, et al:Impact of a negative D-dimer result on the initial assessment of acute aortic dissection. Int J Cardiol 258:232-236, 2018
8)Nazerian P, et al:Diagnostic accuracy of the aortic dissection detection risk score plus D-dimer for acute aortic syndromes;The ADvISED prospective multicenter study. Circulation 137:250-258, 2018