特集 令和の脳卒中ディベート10番勝負—脳卒中治療ガイドライン2021とその先を識る
ディベート・セクション 10番勝負 塞栓源不明の脳塞栓症(ESUS)の治療
塞栓源不明の脳塞栓症(embolic stroke of undetermined source:ESUS)の二次予防には抗凝固療法が有用である一群が存在する.本稿では,ESUSにおける抗凝固療法が適する患者群について考察する.
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2)Hart RG, et al:Rivaroxaban for stroke prevention after embolic stroke of undetermined source. N Engl J Med 378:2191-2201, 2018
3)Diener HC, et al:Dabigatran for prevention of stroke after embolic stroke of undetermined source. N Engl J Med 380:1906-1917, 2019
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5)Petrone L, et al:Branch atheromatous disease;A clinically meaningful, yet unproven concept. Cerebrovasc Dis 41:87-95, 2016
6)Uchiyama S, et al;NAVIGATE ESUS Investigators:Branch atheromatous disease diagnosed as embolic stroke of undetermined source;A subanalysis of NAVIGATE ESUS. Int J Stroke 14:915-922, 2019
7)Toyoda K, et al:Dabigatran vs. Aspirin for secondary prevention after embolic stroke of undetermined source- japanese subanalysis of the re-spect esus randomized controlled trial. Circ J 84:2286-2295, 2020
8)Coutinho JM, et al:Nonstenotic carotid plaque on CT angiography in patients with cryptogenic stroke. Neurology 87:665-672, 2016
9)Ueno Y, et al:Emerging risk factors for recurrent vascular events in patients with embolic stroke of undetermined source. Stroke 47:2714-2721, 2016
10)Caplan LR:Atrial fibrillation, past and future;From a stroke non-entity to an over-targeted cause. Cerebrovasc Dis 45:149-153, 2018
11)Kasner SE, et al;NAVIGATE ESUS Investigators:Rivaroxaban or aspirin for patent foramen ovale and embolic stroke of undetermined source;A prespecified subgroup analysis from the NAVIGATE ESUS trial. Lancet Neurol 17:1053-1060, 2018
12)Kamel H, et al:Tailoring the approach to embolic stroke of undetermined source;A review. JAMA Neurol 76:855-861, 2019
13)Guichard JB, et al:Atrial cardiomyopathy;A useful notion in cardiac disease management or a passing fad?. J Am Col Cardiol 70:756-765, 2017
14)Geisler T, et al: Apixaban for treatment of embolic stroke of undetermined source(ATTICUS randomized trial);Rationale and design. Int J Stroke 12:985-990, 2017
15)Kamel H, et al:The atrial cardiopathy and antithrombotic drugs in prevention after cryptogenic stroke randomized trial;Rationale and methods. Int J Stroke 14:207-214, 2019