増刊号 探求!マイナーエマージェンシー
●精巣捻転は時間との勝負! 典型例はもちろん,よくある非典型例についても知っておく.
●精巣捻転は時間との勝負! 典型例はもちろん,よくある非典型例についても知っておく.
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7)Barbosa JA, et al:Development and initial validation of a scoring system to diagnose testicular torsion in children. J Urol 189:1859-1864, 2013
8)Qin KR, et al:Diagnosing with a TWIST;Systematicreview and meta-analysis of a testicular torsion risk score. J Urol 208:62-70, 2022
9)Selim YARM, et al:Acute torsion of the testis in children and young adults;Role of high resolution and color doppler ultrasonography. Egypt J Radiol Nucl Med 46:151-157, 2015
10)McDowall J, et al:The ultrasonographic “whirlpool sign” in testicular torsion;Valuable tool or waste of valuable time? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Emerg Radiol 25:281-292, 2018
11)Bandarkar AN, et al:Testicular torsion with preserved flow;Key sonographic features and value-added approach to diagnosis. Pediatr Radiol 48:735-744, 2018
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13)日本泌尿器科学会(編):急性陰囊症診療ガイドライン2014年度版,2014 http://www.urol.or.jp/lib/files/other/guideline/09_acute_scrotum_2014_2.pdf(2022年11月閲覧)