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特集 その知見は臨床を変える?—エキスパートが解説! 内科における最新論文



著者: 仲村秀太1

所属機関: 1琉球大学大学院医学研究科感染症・呼吸器・消化器内科(第一内科)

ページ範囲:P.69 - P.74


◎ARTでウイルス量が検出感度未満(200 copies/mL未満)に維持されれば,性行為による他者へのHIV感染リスクはゼロである(Undetectable=Untransmittable:U=U).


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8)Cahn P, et al:Three-year durable efficacy of dolutegravir plus lamivudine in antiretroviral therapy - naive adults with HIV-1 infection. AIDS 36:39-48, 2022 PMID 34534138
9)Kall M, et al:Patient-reported outcomes to enhance person-centred HIV care. Lancet HIV 7:e59-e68, 2020 PMID 31776101
10)Ruamtawee W, et al:Prevalence and risk factors of cardiovascular disease among people living with HIV in the Asia-Pacific region;A systematic review. BMC Public Health 23:477, 2023 PMID 36915099
11)Eckard AR, McComsey GA:Weight gain and integrase inhibitors. Curr Opin Infect Dis 33:10-19, 2020 PMID 31789693
12)O'Halloran JA, et al:Integrase strand transfer inhibitors are associated with incident diabetes Mellitus in people with human immunodeficiency virus. Clin Infect Dis 75:2060-2065, 2022 PMID 35521785
13)Koga I, et al:Factors associated with treatment satisfaction among people living with HIV in Japan and other selected countries;Examination of the intertwined roles of medication, patient, and provider characteristics. AIDS Behav 26:1633-1651, 2022 PMID 34870772
14)Swindells S, et al:Long-acting cabotegravir and rilpivirine for maintenance of HIV-1 suppression. N Engl J Med 382:1112-1123, 2020 PMID 32130809
15)Overton ET, et al:Long-acting cabotegravir and rilpivirine dosed every 2 months in adults with human immunodeficiency virus 1 type 1 infection;152-week results from ATLAS-2M, a randomized, open-label, phase 3b, noninferiority ctudy. Clinical Infectious Diseases 76:1646-1654, 2023 PMID 36660819
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19)谷口俊文,他:日本におけるHIV感染予防のための曝露前予防(PreExposure Prophylaxis)利用の手引き第1版. https://jaids.jp/wpsystem/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/tebiki-1Pver.pdf(2023年8月閲覧)
20)Landovitz RJ, et al:Cabotegravir for HIV prevention in cisgender men and transgender women. N Engl J Med 385:595-608, 2021 PMID 34379922
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23)Broyles LN, et al:The risk of sexual transmission of HIV in individuals with low-level HIV viraemia;A systematic review. Lancet 402:464-471, 2023 PMID 37490935
24)New WHO guidance on HIV viral suppression and scientific updates released at IAS 2023. https://www.who.int/news/item/23-07-2023-new-who-guidance-on-hiv-viral-suppression-and-scientific-updates-released-at-ias-2023(2023年8月閲覧)





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