特集 喘息・COPDと関連疾患の重要知識Up-to-date
1)Waljee AK, et al:Short term use of oral corticosteroids and related harms among adults in the United States;Population based cohort study. BMJ 357:j1415, 2017 PMID 28404617
2)Vázquez-González N, et al:Effectiveness of an educational intervention about inhalation technique in healthcare professionals in primary care;A cluster randomized trial. Front Pharmacol 14:1266095, 2023 PMID 37915412
3)Vázquez-González N, et al:Effectiveness of an educational intervention about inhalation technique in healthcare professionals in primary care;A cluster randomized trial. Front Pharmacol 14:1266095, 2023 PMID 37915412
4)Mäkelä MJ, et al:Adherence to inhaled therapies, health outcomes and costs in patients with asthma and COPD. Respir Med 107:1481-1490, 2013 PMID 23643487
5)Jarvis S, et al:Inhaled therapy in elderly COPD patients;Time for re-evaluation? Age Ageing 36:213-218, 2007 PMID 17267450
7)Capstick TG, et al:Ward based inhaler technique service reduces exacerbations of asthma and COPD. Respir Med 187:106583, 2021 PMID 34481305
8)Iwata Y, et al:Relationship between cognitive function and proper inhaler device use in elderly patients. Eur Respir J 54:PA687, 2019
10)アストラゼネカ株式会社:ビレーズトリの使い方動画. https://www2.astrazeneca.co.jp/ars/breztri/new/index.html(2024年8月閲覧)
11)Press VG, et al:Effectiveness of virtual vs in-person inhaler education for hospitalized patients with obstructive lung disease;A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Netw Open 3:e1918205, 2020 PMID 31899529
12)Pothirat C, et al:Evaluating inhaler use technique in COPD patients. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis 10:1291-1298, 2015 PMID 26185435
13)Barnestein-Fonseca P, et al:The importance of reminders and patient preferences to improve inhaler technique in older adults with COPD. Front Pharmacol 13:989362, 2022 PMID 36686678