特集 どこでもみれる?—コモンディジーズとしての感染症アップデート
1)File TM Jr, Ramirez JA:Community-acquired pneumonia. N Engl J Med 389:632-641, 2023 PMID 37585629
2)Serigstad S, et al;CAPNOR study group:The changing spectrum of microbial aetioligy of respiratory tract infections in hospitalized patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Infect Dis 22:763, 2022 PMID 36180842
3)Mearelli F, et al:Lung ultrasound may support internal medicine physicians in predicting the diagnosis, bacterial etiology and favorable outcome of community-acquired pneumonia. Sci Rep 11:17016, 2021 PMID 34426615
4)Dinh A, et al:Discontenting β-lactam treatment after 3 days for patients with community-acquired pneumonia in non-critical care wards(PTC);A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, non-inferiority trial. Lancet 397:1195-1203, 2021 PMID 33773631
5)Dequin PF, et al:Hydrocortisone in severe community-acquired pneumonia. N Engl J Med 388:1931-1941, 2023 PMID 36942789
6)Wittermans E, et al:Adjunctive treatment with oral dexamethasone in non-ICU patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia;A randomized clinical trial. Eur Respir J 58:2002535, 2021 PMID 33446608
7)Levine DM, et al:Hospital-level care at home for acutely ill adults;A randomized controlled trial. Ann Intern Med 172:77-85, 2020 PMID 31842232
8)Hamano N, et al:Comparison of ceftriaxone plus macrolide and ampicillin/sulbactam plus macrolide in treatment for patients with community-acquired pneumonia without risk factors for aspiration;An open-label quasi-randomized, controlled trial. BMC Pulm Med 20:160, 2020 PMID 32503515
9)Plat HL, et al:A phase 3 trial of safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of V114, 15-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, compared with 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in adults 50 years of age and older(PNEU-AGE). Vaccine 40:162-172, 2022 PMID 34507861
10)日本呼吸器学会 感染症・結核学術部会ワクチンWG/日本感染症学会ワクチン委員会/日本ワクチン学会・合同委員会:65歳以上の成人に対する肺炎球菌ワクチン接種に関する考え方(第4版 2023年3月24日). https://www.kansensho.or.jp/modules/guidelines/index.php?content_id=51(2023年12月閲覧)