特集 腎機能を考慮した内科疾患の診療
腎機能が病態・治療に関係する疾患 〈循環器疾患〉
◎慢性心不全のガイドライン準拠薬物療法(guideline-directed medical therapy:GDMT)は腎機能の保護にも結び付く.
◎慢性心不全のガイドライン準拠薬物療法(guideline-directed medical therapy:GDMT)は腎機能の保護にも結び付く.
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6)日本循環器学会:日本循環器学会日本心不全学会合同ガイドライン.急性・慢性心不全診療ガイドライン(2017年改訂版). http://wwwj-circorjp/guideline/pdf/JCS2017_tsutsui_h.pdf(2024年1月閲覧)
7)Rossignol P, et al:Unravelling the interplay between hyperkalaemia, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone inhibitor use and clinical outcomes. Data from 9222 chronic heart failure patients of the ESC-HFA-EORP Heart Failure Long-Term Registry. Eur J Heart Fail 22:1378-1389, 2020 PMID 32243669
8)Cooper LB, et al:Association between potassium level and outcomes in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction;A cohort study from the Swedish Heart Failure Registry. Eur J Heart Fail 22:1390-1398, 2020 PMID 32078214
9)Abraham WT, et al:Standardized definitions for evaluation of heart failure therapies;Scientific expert panel from the heart failure collaboratory and academic research consortium. JACC Heart Fail 8:961-972, 2020 PMID 33199251
10)Adamson C, et al:Initial decline(Dip)in estimated glomerular filtration rate after initiation of dapagliflozin in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction;Insights from DAPA-HF. Circulation 146:438-449, 2022 PMID 35442064