特集 腎機能を考慮した内科疾患の診療
治療・薬物療法が腎機能の影響を受けやすい内科的疾患 〈消化器疾患〉
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5)Antoniou T, et al:Proton pump inhibitors and the risk of acute kidney injury in older patients;A population-based cohort study. CMAJ Open 3:E166-171, 2015 PMID 26389094
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7)Lazarus B, et al:Proton pump inhibitor use and the risk of chronic kidney disease. JAMA Intern Med 176:238-246, 2016 PMID 26752337
8)Klatte DCF, et al:Association between proton pump inhibitor use and risk of progression of chronic kidney disease. Gastroenterology 153:702-710, 2017 PMID 28583827
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10)Nochaiwong S, et al:The association between proton pump inhibitor use and the risk of adverse kidney outcomes;A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant 33:331-342, 2018 PMID 28339835
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14)Xie Y,et al:Long-term kidney outcomes among users of proton pump inhibitors without intervening acute kidney injury. Kidney Int 91:1482-1494, 2017 PMID 28237709
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19)Sumida K, et al:Constipation in CKD. Kidney Int Rep 5:121-134, 2020 PMID 32043026
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21)Sumida K, et al:Constipation and risk of death and cardiovascular events. Atherosclerosis 281:114-120, 2019 PMID 30658186
22)Mishima E, et al:Alteration of the intestinal environment by lubiprostone is associated with amelioration of adenine-induced CKD. J Am Soc Nephrol 26:1787-1794, 2015 PMID 25525179
23)Nanto-Hara F, et al:The guanylate cyclase C agonist linaclotide ameliorates the gut-cardio-renal axis in an adenine-induced mouse model of chronic kidney disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant 35:250-264, 2019 PMID 31411705
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25)Sumida K, et al:Laxative use and risk of dyskalemia in patients with advanced CKD transitioning to dialysis. J Am Soc Nephrol 32:950-959, 2021 PMID 33547216
26)Sumida K, et al:Laxative use in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease transitioning to dialysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant 36:2018-2026, 2021 PMID 33035325