特集 “とりあえずスタチン”から脱却!—動脈硬化性疾患一次予防・最新の考え方
1)Okamura T, et al:Japan Atherosclerosis Society(JAS)guidelines for prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases 2022. J Atheroscler Thromb Online ahead of print, 2023 PMID 38123343
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4)Tokushige K, et al:Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease/nonalcoholic steatohepatitis 2020. J Gastroenterol 56:951-963, 2021 PMID 34533632
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6)Eslam M, et al:A new definition for metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease;An international expert consensus statement. J Hepatol 73:202-209, 2020 PMID 32278004
7)Rinella ME, et al;NAFLD Nomenclature consensus group:A multisociety Delphi consensus statement on new fatty liver disease nomenclature. J Hepatol 79:1542-1556, 2023 PMID 37364790
8)Duell PB, et al:Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular risk;A scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 42:e168-e185, 2022 PMID 35418240
9)Tokushige K:New concept in fatty liver diseases. Hepatol Res 54:125-130, 2024 PMID 38146790
10)Tokushige K, et al:Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease/nonalcoholic steatohepatitis 2020. J Gastroenterol 56:951-963, 2021 PMID 34533632
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12)Fujii H, et al:Prevalence and associated metabolic factors of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the general population from 2014 to 2018 in Japan;A large-scale multicenter retrospective study. Hepatol Res 53:1059-1072, 2023 PMID 37537735
13)En Li Cho E, et al:Global prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in type 2 diabetes mellitus;An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Gut 72:2138-2148, 2023 PMID 37491159
14)Nakahara T, et al;Japan Study Group of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease:Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with the fibrosis severity in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in a large retrospective cohort of Japanese patients. J Gastroenterol 49:1477-1484, 2014 PMID 24277052
15)Imajo K, et al:LDL-migration index(LDL-MI), an indicator of small dense low-density lipoprotein(sdLDL), is higher in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis than in non-alcoholic fatty liver;A multicenter cross-sectional study. PLoS One 9:e115403, 2014 PMID 25541989
16)Campanella A, et al:The effect of three Mediterranean diets on remnant cholesterol and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease;A secondary analysis. Nutrients 12:1674, 2020 PMID 32512752
17)Musso G, et al:Meta-analysis;Natural history of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD)and diagnostic accuracy of non-invasive tests for liver disease severity. Ann Med 43:617-649, 2011 PMID 21039302
18)Targher G, et al:Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and risk of incident cardiovascular disease;A meta-analysis. J Hepatol 65:589-600, 2016 PMID 27212244
19)Simon TG, et al:Mortality in biopsy-confirmed nonalcoholic fatty liver disease;Results from a nationwide cohort. Gut 70:1375-1382, 2021 PMID 33037056
20)Wu S, et al:Association of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with major adverse cardiovascular events;A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sci Rep 6:33386, 2016 PMID 27633274
21)Puchner SB, et al:High-risk coronary plaque at coronary CT angiography is associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, independent of coronary plaque and stenosis burden;Results from the ROMICAT Ⅱ trial. Radiology 274:693-701, 2015 PMID 25369449
22)Sung KC, et al:Comparative associations of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease with coronary artery calcification;A cross-sectional and longitudinal cohort study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 43:482-491, 2023 PMID 36727522
23)Zhou YY, et al:Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease contributes to subclinical atherosclerosis;A systematic review and meta-analysis. Hepatol Commun 2:376-392, 2018 PMID 29619417
24)Angulo P, et al:Liver fibrosis, but no other histologic features, is associated with long term outcomes of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Gastroenterology 149:389-397.e10, 2015 PMID 25935633
25)Wieckowska A, et al:Noninvasive diagnosis and monitoring of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis;Present and future. Hepatology 46:582-589, 2007 PMID 17661414
26)Eguchi Y, et al:Prevalence and associated metabolic factors of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the general population from 2009 to 2010 in Japan;A multicenter large retrospective study. J Gastroenterol 47:586-595, 2012 PMID 22328022
27)吉田博:日本医療研究開発機構AMED令和5年度予防・健康づくりの社会実装に向けた研究開発基盤整備事業,脂肪肝関連疾患にともなう動脈硬化性心血管疾患の二次・三次予防に資するヘルスケアサービスの指針策定およびシステム開発に関する研究 https://www.amed.go.jp/koubo/12/02/1202C_00017.html(2024年4月閲覧)
28)Pradhan AD, et al;PROMINENT Investigators:Triglyceride lowering with pemafibrate to reduce cardiovascular risk. N Engl J Med 387:1923-1934, 2022 PMID 36342113
29)Yamashita S, et al:Managing hypertriglyceridemia for cardiovascular disease prevention;Lessons from the PROMINENT trial. Eur J Clin Invest:e14227(Online ahead of print), 2024 PMID 38662591
30)Harrison SA, et al;MAESTRO-NASH Investigators:A phase 3, randomized, controlled trial of resmetirom in NASH with liver fibrosis. N Engl J Med 390:497-509, 2024 PMID 38324483