特集 リウマチ膠原病疾患Up To Date!—押さえておきたい最新の診断と治療
◎seborrheic area erythema(mid facial erythema)は皮膚筋炎を疑う.
◎seborrheic area erythema(mid facial erythema)は皮膚筋炎を疑う.
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2)衛藤 光:エリテマトーデス皮疹のみかた.MB Derm 5:1-7, 1997
3)Okiyama N, et al:Seborrheic area erythema as a common skin manifestation in Japanese patients with dermatomyositis. Dermatology 217:374-377, 2008 PMID 18827482
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5)Dessinioti C, Antonious C:The “red face”;Not always rosacea. Clin Dermatol 35:201-206, 2017 PMID 28274360
6)衛藤 光:膠原病に特徴的な皮膚所見—指先から始めよう.medicina 45:44-47, 2008
7)Irie K, et al:Inverse Gottron's papules in patients with dermatomyositis;An underrecognized but important sign for interstitial lung disease. Int J Dermatol 60:e62-e65, 2021 PMID 32970839
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9)Yahya A, Gideon PS:Characterizing pruritus in autoimmune connective tissue diseases. J Drugs Dermatol 18:995-998, 2019 PMID 31584777