著者: 今井邦英12
所属機関: 1北越病院脳神経外科 2新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科免疫・医動物学教室
ページ範囲:P.757 - P.765
文献購入ページに移動 Radiographical investigations of the hypothalamus by computerized tomography(CT)have rarely been performed despite the fact that the damage to the hypothalamus owing to serious intracranial organic diseases may cause neuro-genic pulmonary edema(NPE).
We presented 22 consecutive cases of patients suffering from NPE caused by serious intracranial organic diseases and investigated the relationship between NPE and abnormal radiographical findings of the hypothalamus.
We presented 22 consecutive cases of patients suffering from NPE caused by serious intracranial organic diseases and investigated the relationship between NPE and abnormal radiographical findings of the hypothalamus.