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Neurological Surgery 脳神経外科34巻6号





著者: 杉山慎一郎1 隈部俊宏1 三野正樹1 藤村幹1 藤原幾磨2 冨永悌二1

所属機関: 1東北大学大学院神経外科学分野 2東北大学大学院小児病態学分野

ページ範囲:P.619 - P.624

Ⅰ.は じ め に

 中枢神経系胚腫の10~20%はヒト絨毛性ゴナドトロピン(human chorionic gonadotropin:hCG)を産生し10,12,15),hCG産生胚腫(hCG-producing germinoma)と呼ばれる4,12).組織中にhCG免疫染色陽性のsyncytiotrophoblastic giant cell(STGC)を認めるものはgerminoma with STGCと呼ばれるが,STGCを証明できないhCG産生胚腫もしばしば存在する4,12).これら症例の中で,腫瘍の産生するhCGの黄体形成ホルモン(luteinizing hormone:LH)類似作用により,思春期早発症を生ずることがある1)

 中枢神経系胚腫の大部分は,特徴的なmagnetic resonance imaging(MRI),computed tomography(CT)所見を呈し3,5,11),年齢,発症形式を含めた臨床所見と考え合わせることにより比較的容易に診断を下すことが可能である.しかしこれらの中で基底核部胚腫は,特徴的な画像所見を呈することがなく診断の難しい症例があることが報告されている8,9,14,16)



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2)Fujimaki T, Mishima K, Asai A, Tabuchi K, Kobayashi M, Suzuki I, Kirino T:Levels of β-human chorionic gonadotropin in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with malignant germ cell tumor can be used to detect early recurrence and monitor the response to treatment. Jpn J Clin Oncol 30:291-294, 2000
3)Higano S, Takahashi S, Ishii K, Matsumoto K, Ikeda H, Sakamoto K:Germinoma originating in the basal ganglia and thalamus:MR and CT evaluation. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 15:1435-1441, 1994
4)Inamura T, Nishio S, Ikezaki K, Fukui M:Human chorionic gonadotropin in CSF, not serum, predicts outcome in germinoma. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 66:654-657, 1999
5)Kim DI, Yoon PH, Ryu YH, Jeon P, Hwang GJ:MRI of germinomas arising from the basal ganglia and thalamus. Neuroradiology 40:507-511, 1998
6)Kobayashi T, Yoshida J, Kida Y:Bilateral germ cell tumors involving the basal ganglia and thalamus. Neurosurgery 24:579-583, 1989
7)Komatsu Y, Narushima K, Kobayashi E, Ebihara R, Enomoto T, Nose T, Maki Y:CT and MR of germinoma in the basal ganglia. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 10(5 Suppl):S9-11, 1989
8)Okamoto K, Ito J, Ishikawa K, Morii K, Yamada M, Takahashi N, Tokiguchi S, Furusawa T, Sakai K:Atrophy of the basal ganglia as the initial diagnostic sign of germinoma in the basal ganglia. Neuroradiology 44:389-394, 2002
9)Oyama N, Terae S, Saitoh S, Sudoh A, Sawamura Y, Miyasaka K:Bilateral germinoma involving the basal ganglia and cerebral white matter. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 26:1166-1169, 2005
10)Matsutani M, Sano K, Takakura K, Fujimaki T, Nakamura O, Funata N, Seto T:Primary intracranial germ cell tumors:a clinical analysis of 153 histologically verified cases. J Neurosurg 86:446-455, 1997
11)Sato K, Nagayama T, Fujimura M, Okamoto K, Kamiya M, Nakazato Y:A case of germinoma in the septum pellucidum manifesting as amnesia and hemiparesis. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 145:923-925, 2003
12)Sawamura Y, Ikeda J, Shirato H, Tada M, Abe H:Germ cell tumours of the central nervous system:treatment consideration based on 111 cases and their long-term clinical outcomes. Eur J Cancer 34:104-110, 1998
13)Schwabe J, Calaminus G, Vorhoff W, Engelbrecht V, Hauffa BP, Gobel U:Sexual precocity and recurrent beta-human chorionic gonadotropin upsurges preceding the diagnosis of a malignant mediastinal germ-cell tumor in a 9-year-old boy. Ann Oncol 13:975-977, 2002
14)Sudo A, Shiga T, Okajima M, Takano K, Terae S, Sawamura Y, Ohnishi A, Nagashima K, Saitoh S:High uptake on 11C-methionine positron emission tomographic scan of basal ganglia germinoma with cerebral hemiatrophy. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 24:1909-1911, 2003
15)Sugiyama K, Uozumi T, Arita K, Kiya K, Kurisu K, Sumida M, Harada K:Clinical evaluation of 33 patients with histologically verified germinoma. Surg Neurol 42:200-210, 1994
16)Takeda N, Fujita K, Katayama S, Uchihashi Y, Okamura Y, Nigami H, Hashimoto K, Kohmura E:Germinoma of the basal ganglia. An 8-year asymptomatic history after detection of abnormality on CT. Pediatr Neurosurg 40:306-311, 2004
17)Tamaki N, Lin T, Shirataki K, Hosoda K, Kurata H, Matsumoto S, Ito H:Germ cell tumors of the thalamus and the basal ganglia. Childs Nerv Syst 6:3-7, 1990





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