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Neurological Surgery 脳神経外科34巻9号





著者: 伊東雅基1 黒田敏1 高野和哉1 丸一勝彦1 千葉泰弘1 森本裕二2 岩﨑喜信1

所属機関: 1北海道大学大学院医学研究科神経外科 2北海道大学大学院医学研究科麻酔科

ページ範囲:P.919 - P.924

Ⅰ.は じ め に

 視床痛や脊髄損傷後疼痛に代表される中枢性求心路遮断性疼痛は,体性感覚求心路が損傷を受けることにより二次的に出現する慢性難治性疼痛で,内服治療や神経ブロックが奏効しないことが多い.1990年代からは外科治療として運動野刺激療法(motor cortex stimulation; MCS)が実施されているが,その有効性に関しては報告によって大きく異なっている1,3-6,9-13)



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2)Herregodts P, Stadnik T, De Ridder F, D’Haens J:Cortical stimulation for central neuropathic pain:3-D surface MRI for easy determination of the motor cortex. Acta Neurochir Suppl 64:132-135, 1995
3)Katayama Y, Hirayama T, Yamamoto T:Neurological characteristics of post-stroke pain patients with favorable therapeutic responses to motor cortex stimulation. Pain Res 11:159-163, 1996
4)Katayama Y, Fukaya C, Yamamoto T:Poststroke pain control by chronic motor cortex stimulation:neurological characteristics predicting a favorable response. J Neurosurg 89:585-591, 1998
5)Mogilner AY, Rezai AR:Epidural motor cortex stimulation with functional imaging guidance. Neurosurg Focus 11:1-4, 2001
6)Nguyen JP, Lefaucheur JP, Decq P, Uchiyama T, Carpentier A, Fontaine D, Brugieres P, Pollin B, Feve A, Rostaing S, Cesaro P, Keravel Y:Chronic motor cortex stimulation in the treatment of central and neuropathic pain. Correlations between clinical, electrophysiological and anatomical data. Pain 82:245-251, 1999
7)Peyron R, Garcia-Larrea L, Deiber MP, Cinotti L, Convers F, Sindou M, Mauguiere F, Laurent B:Electrical stimulation of precentral cortical area in the treatment of central pain:electrophysiological and PET study. Pain 62:275-286, 1995
8)Roux FE, Ibarrola D, Lazorthes Y, Berry I:Chronic motor cortex stimulation for phantom limb pain:a functional magnetic resonance imaging study:technical case report. Neurosurgery 48:681-688, 2001
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10)Saitoh Y, Shibata M, Hirano S, Hirata M, Mashimo T, Yoshimine T:Motor cortex stimulation for central and peripheral deafferentation pain. Report of eight cases. J Neurosurg 92:150-155, 2000
11)Tsubokawa T, Katayama Y, Yamamoto T, Hirayama T, Koyama S:Chronic motor cortex stimulation for the treatment of central pain. Acta Neurochir Suppl 52:137-139, 1991
12)Tsubokawa T, Katayama Y, Yamamoto T, Hirayama T, Koyama S:Treatment of thalamic pain by chronic motor cortex stimulation. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol 14:131-134, 1991
13)Tsubokawa T, Katayama Y, Yamamoto T, Hirayama T, Koyama S:Chronic motor cortex stimulation in patients with thalamic pain. J Neurosurg 78:393-401, 1993
14)Yamamoto T, Katayama Y, Hirayama T, Tsubokawa T:Pharmacological classification of central post-stroke pain:comparison with the results of chronic motor cortex stimulation therapy. Pain 72:5-12, 1997





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