Department of Neurology, Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami
著者: 渡邊充祥1
所属機関: 1東京慈恵会医科大学脳神経外科
ページ範囲:P.819 - P.822
文献購入ページに移動University of Miami, Leonard M. Miller school of Medicine神経内科概要(2018年9月時点)
[住所]1120 NW 14th Street, Clinical Research Building 13th floor, Miami, FL 33136
[主な構成人数]スタッフ医師 71名
[主な研究テーマ]epilepsy, cognitive disorders, general neurology, multiple sclerosis, neuro-muscular disorders, movement disorders, neuro-oncology, sleep disorders, stroke, neuro-critical care
[参考ホームページ]http://neurology.med.miami.edu/:UM Department of NeurologyのWebサイト http://researchers.uhealthsystem.com/doctors/profile/2324:Dr. Dileep Yavagalのprofile
[住所]1120 NW 14th Street, Clinical Research Building 13th floor, Miami, FL 33136
[主な構成人数]スタッフ医師 71名
[主な研究テーマ]epilepsy, cognitive disorders, general neurology, multiple sclerosis, neuro-muscular disorders, movement disorders, neuro-oncology, sleep disorders, stroke, neuro-critical care
[参考ホームページ]http://neurology.med.miami.edu/:UM Department of NeurologyのWebサイト http://researchers.uhealthsystem.com/doctors/profile/2324:Dr. Dileep Yavagalのprofile