特集 グリオーマ—現在の常識と近未来のスタンダード
・グリオーマ手術の目標は“maximum safe resection”である.
・Subpial dissectionでの境界剝離はグリオーマ手術において有用である.
・グリオーマ手術の目標は“maximum safe resection”である.
・Subpial dissectionでの境界剝離はグリオーマ手術において有用である.
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3)Li YM, et al:The influence of maximum safe resection of glioblastoma on survival in 1229 patients:can we do better than gross-total resection? J Neurosurg 124:977-988, 2016
4)Sanai N, et al:An extent of resection threshold for newly diagnosed glioblastomas. J Neurosurg 115:3-8, 2011
5)Grabowski MM, et al:Residual tumor volume versus extent of resection:predictors of survival after surgery for glioblastoma. J Neurosurg 121:1115-1123, 2014
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7)Caverzasi E, et al:Identifying preoperative language tracts and predicting postoperative functional recovery using HARDI q-ball fiber tractography in patients with gliomas. J Neurosurg 125:33-45, 2016
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11)Maesawa S, et al:Intraoperative tractography and motor evoked potential(MEP)monitoring in surgery for gliomas around the corticospinal tract. World Neurosurg 74:153-161, 2010
12)Stummer W, et al;ALA-Glioma Study Group:Fluorescence-guided surgery with 5-aminolevulinic acid for resection of malignant glioma:a randomised controlled multicentre phase Ⅲ trial. Lancet Oncol 7:392-401, 2006
13)Hadjipanayis CG, et al:What is the surgical benefit of utilizing 5-aminolevulinic acid for fluorescence-guided surgery of malignant gliomas? Neurosurgery 77:663-673, 2015
14)齊藤邦昭:Insular gliomaにおけるsurgical anatomyと手術手技.No Shinkei Geka 47:405-418, 2019