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増刊号 これから広がる生理検査・新たにはじまる生理検査

B 腹部・体表エコー法

4. コントラストエコー法の基礎と臨床

著者: 畑中絹世1 工藤正俊1 土師誠二2 前川清3

所属機関: 1近畿大学医学部消化器内科 2近畿大学医学部外科 3近畿大学医学部附属病院超音波検査室

ページ範囲:P.963 - P.973



 ソナゾイド(R)(Sonazoid(R))を用いた造影超音波検査を行うことで血流イメージ(vessel image)と肝実質染影(クッパーイメージ,Kupffer image)を得ることができ,血流イメージと肝実質染影を総合的に評価することで,各種肝腫瘍の質的診断が可能となる.また,ソナゾイド(R)の追加投与によって,同一画面上に異なる時相を重ねたイメージ(クッパーイメージと血流イメージ)が得られる(Defect Re-Perfusion Image).このDefect Re-Perfusion Imageの技法によってBモードで不明瞭な悪性肝腫瘍の局在診断,stagingが可能となった.また,ラジオ波焼灼術(radiofrequency ablation,RFA),肝動脈塞栓術(transcatheter arterial chemoembolization,TACE)の治療効果判定や治療支援にも用いられ,広く一般に普及している.


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3) Hayashi M, Matsui O, Ueda K, et al:Correlation between the blood supply and grade of malignancy of hepatocellular nodules associated with liver cirrhosis:evaluation by CT during intraarterial injection of contrast medium. AJR Am J Roentgenol 172:969-976,1999
4) Kudo M:New sonographic techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatol Res 37:193-199,2007
5) Ding H, Kudo M, Onda H, et al:Hepatocellular carcinoma:depiction of tumor parenchymal flow with intermittent harmonic power Doppler US during the early arterial phase in dual-display mode. Radiology 220:349-356,2001
6) Wen YL, Kudo M, Zheng RQ, et al:Characterization of hepatic tumors:value of contrast-enhanced coded phase-inversion harmonic angio. AJR Am J Roentgenol 182:1019-1026,2004
7) Hatanaka K, Kudo M, Minami Y, et al:Differential diagnosis of hepatic tumors:value of contrast-enhanced harmonic sonography using the newly developed contrast agent, Sonazoid. Intervirology 51:S61-S69,2008
8) 工藤正俊,畑中絹世,鄭浩柄,他:肝細胞癌治療支援におけるSonazoid造影エコー法の新技術の提唱:Defect Re-perfusion Imagingの有用性.肝臓 48:299-301,2007
9) Minami Y, Kudo M, Kawasaki T, et al:Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with percutaneous radiofrequency ablation:usefulness of contrast harmonic sonography for lesions poorly defined with B-mode sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 183:153-156,2004
10) Minami Y, Kudo M, Chung H, et al:Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of sonographically unidentifiable liver tumors:Feasibility and usefulness of a novel guiding technique with an integrated system of computed tomography and sonographic images. Oncology 72:S111-S116,2007
11) Wen YL, Kudo M, Zheng RQ, et al:Radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma:therapeutic response using contrast-enhanced coded phase-inversion harmonic sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 181:57-63,2003
12) Zhou P, Kudo M, Minami Y, et al:What is the best time to evaluate treatment response after radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma using contrast-enhanced sonography? Oncology 72:S92-S97,2007
13) Ding H, Kudo M, Onda H, et al:Contrast-enhanced subtraction harmonic sonography for evaluating treatment response in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. AJR Am J Roentgenol 176:661-666,2001
14) Minami Y, Kudo M, Kawasaki T, et al:Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization of hepatocellular carcinoma:usefulness of coded phase-inversion harmonic sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 180:703-708,2003





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