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著者: 衞藤義勝1

所属機関: 1東京慈恵会医科大学遺伝病研究講座

ページ範囲:P.588 - P.594



 ポンペ病(Pompe disease)は1932年ポンペにより報告された1)ライソゾーム病の一つであり,酸性α-グルコシダーゼ(acid alpha glucosidase,GAA)の遺伝的酵素欠損により発症する.臨床的には乳児型と小児・成人型(遅発型)に分類される.乳児型は乳児期早期に心拡大,心不全で2歳までに死亡する.遅発型では筋力低下,歩行障害,呼吸障害を呈し,最後は呼吸不全で死亡する重篤な疾患である.遺伝形式は常染色体劣性遺伝形式をとる.酵素補充療法が開発され,早期治療により症状の悪化を予防できる.ただし,酵素に対する抗体産生は治療効果を減弱することから,抗体に対する治療も試みられている2)


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3) Hers HG:Alpha-glucosidase deficiency in generalized glycogen-storage disease (Pompe's disease). Biochem J 86:11,1963
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6) Martiniuk F, Mehler M, Pellicer A, et al:Isolation of a cDNA for human acid alpha-glucosidase and detection of genetic heterogeneity for mRNA in three alpha-glucosidase-deficient patients. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 83:9641-9644,1986
7) Martiniuk F, Bodkin M, Tzall S, et al:Isolation and partial characterization of the structural gene for human acid alpha glucosidase. DNA Cell Biol 10:283-292,1991
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19) Case LE, Koeberl DD, Young SP, et al:Improvement with ongoing Enzyme Replacement Therapy in advanced late-onset Pompe disease:a case study. Mol Genet Metab 95:233-235,2008
20) Kishnani PS, Goldenberg PC, DeArmey SL, et al:Cross-reactive immunologic material status affects treatment outcomes in Pompe disease infants. Mol Genet Metab 99:26-33,2010
21) Sun B, Bird A, Young SP, et al:Enhanced response to enzyme replacement therapy in Pompe disease after the induction of immune tolerance. Am J Hum Genet 81:1042-1049,2007
22) Joseph A, Munroe K, Housman M, et al:Immune tolerance induction to enzyme-replacement therapy by co-administration of short-term, low-dose methotrexate in a murine Pompe disease model. Clin Exp Immunol 152:138-146,2008
23) Parenti G, Zuppaldi A, Gabriela Pittis M, et al:Pharmacological enhancement of mutated alpha-glucosidase activity in fibroblasts from patients with Pompe disease. Mol Ther 15:508-514,2007
24) Okumiya T, Kroos MA, Vliet LV, et al:Chemical chaperones improve transport and enhance stability of mutant alpha-glucosidases in glycogen storage disease type II. Mol Genet Metab 90:49-57,2007
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26) Ziegler RJ, Bercury SD, Fidler J, et al:Ability of adeno-associated virus serotype 8-mediated hepatic expression of acid alpha-glucosidase to correct the biochemical and motor function deficits of presymptomatic and symptomatic Pompe mice. Hum Gene Ther 19:609-621,2008
27) Sun B, Young SP, Li P, et al:Correction of multiple striated muscles in murine Pompe disease through adeno-associated virus-mediated gene therapy. Mol Ther 16:1366-1371,2008
28) Kemper AR, Hwu WL, Lloyd-Puryear M, et al:Newborn screening for Pompe disease:synthesis of the evidence and development of screening recommendations. Pediatrics 120:e1327-1334,2007
29) Dajnoki A, Muhl A, Fekete G, et al:Newborn screening for Pompe disease by measuring acid alpha-glucosidase activity using tandem mass spectrometry. Clin Chem 54:1624-1629,2008
30) Martiniuk F, Mehler M, Pellicer A, et al:Isolation of a cDNA for human acid alpha-glucosidase and detection of genetic heterogeneity for mRNA in three alpha-glucosidase-deficient patients. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 83:9641-9644,1986





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