技術講座 微生物
●Aerococcus urinaeにおけるSTの薬剤感受性は,尿中葉酸濃度が治療効果に影響を及ぼすため報告すべきではない.
●Aerococcus urinaeにおけるSTの薬剤感受性は,尿中葉酸濃度が治療効果に影響を及ぼすため報告すべきではない.
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3)宮里明子,大楠清文,石井俊輔,他:大動脈弁置換術により救命しえたAerococcus urinae感染性心内膜炎の1例.感染症誌 85:678-681,2011
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10)Zhou WQ, Niu DM, Zhang ZZ, et al : Vancomycin resistance due to VanA in an Aerococcus viridans isolate. Indian J Med Microbiol 32:462-465,2014
11)Humphries RM, Lee C, Hindler JA : Aerococcus urinae and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. J Clin Microbiol 49:3934-3935,2011
12)Sunnerhagen T, Nilson B, Olaison L, et al : Clinical and microbiological features of infective endocarditis caused by aerococci. Infection 44:167-173,2016
13)Hirzel C, Hirzberger L, Furrer H, et al : Bactericidal activity of penicillin, ceftriaxone, gentamicin and daptomycin alone and in combination against Aerococcus urinae. Int J Antimicrob Agents 48:271-276,2016