特集 糖尿病の今
これまで日本人を含む東アジア人糖尿病患者における合併症の発症率やリスクファクターのデータは,欧米人患者と比較して乏しかったため,わが国の糖尿病の診療ガイドライン作成や日常診療は,主に欧米の大規模臨床研究のエビデンスに基づいて進められてきた.しかし近年,日本人を含む東アジア人糖尿病患者の大規模臨床データも増えつつある.後述するJDCS(Japan Diabetes Complications Study)も,この目的のために立ち上げられた最初の大規模臨床介入研究の一つである.
これまで日本人を含む東アジア人糖尿病患者における合併症の発症率やリスクファクターのデータは,欧米人患者と比較して乏しかったため,わが国の糖尿病の診療ガイドライン作成や日常診療は,主に欧米の大規模臨床研究のエビデンスに基づいて進められてきた.しかし近年,日本人を含む東アジア人糖尿病患者の大規模臨床データも増えつつある.後述するJDCS(Japan Diabetes Complications Study)も,この目的のために立ち上げられた最初の大規模臨床介入研究の一つである.
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10) Mostafa SA, et al.:The potential impact and optimal cut-points of using glycated haemoglobin, HbA1c, to detect people with impaired glucose regulation in a UK multi-ethnic cohort. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 90:100-108, 2010
11) Heianza Y, et al.:HbA1c 5.7-6.4% and impaired fasting plasma glucose for diagnosis of prediabetes and risk of progression to diabetes in Japan(TOPICS 3);a longitudinal cohort study. Lancet 378:147-155, 2011
12) Sone H, et al.:Long-term lifestyle intervention lowers incidence of stroke in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes;nationwide multicenter randomised controlled trial. The Japan Diabetes Complications Study(JDCS). Diabetologia 53:419-428, 2010
13) Kawasaki R, et al.:Incidence and progression of diabetic retinopathy in Japanese adult with type 2 diabetes;8-year follow-up study of the Japan Diabetes Complications Study(JDCS). Diabetologia 54:2288-2294, 2011
14) Katayama S, et al.:for the Japan Diabetes Complications Study Group. Low transition rate from normo-and low microalbuminuria to proteinuria in Japanese type 2 diabetic individuals;the Japan Diabetes Complications Study(JDCS). Diabetologia 54:1025-1031,2011
15) Saito K, et al.:Risk imparted by various parameters of smoking in Japanese men with type 2 diabetes on their development of microalbuminuria;analysis from the Tsukuba Kawai Diabetes Registry. Diabetes Care 30:1286-1288, 2007
16) Sone H, et al.:JDCS group;serum level of triglycerides is a potent risk factor comparable to LDL cholesterol for coronary heart disease in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes. Subanalysis of the Japan Diabetes Complications Study(JDCS). J Clin Endocrinol Metab 96:3448-3456, 2011
17) Yokoyama H, et al.:Japan Diabetes Clinical Data Management Study Group;low incidence of cardiovascular events in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care settings;a prospective cohort study(JDDM 20). Diabet Med 28:1221-1228, 2011
18) Chan WB, et al.:Triglyceride predicts cardiovascular mortality and its relationship with glycaemia and obesity in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Metab Res Rev 21:183-188, 2005
19) Sone H, et al.:Long-term lifestyle intervention lowers incidence of stroke in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes;nationwide multicenter randomised controlled trial. The Japan Diabetes Complications Study(JDCS). Diabetologia 53:419-428, 2010