特集 ゲノム革命—予防・医療のイノベーション
1)Stockwell T, et al:Do “Moderate” Drinkers Have Reduced Mortality Risk? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Alcohol Consumption and All-Cause Mortality. J Stud Alcohol Drugs 77:185-198, 2016
2)Rothman KJ(著),矢野栄二,他(監訳):ロスマンの疫学,第2版.篠原出版社,2013
3)星野匡郎,他:Rによる実証分析 回帰分析から因果分析へ.オーム社,2016
4)Au Yeung SL, et al:Is aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 a credible genetic instrument for alcohol use in Mendelian randomization analysis in Southern Chinese men?. Int J Epidemiol 42:318-328, 2013
5)Burgess S, et al:Avoiding bias from weak instruments in Mendelian randomization studies. Int J Epidemiol 40:755-764, 2011
6)Bowden J, et al:Mendelian randomization with invalid instruments:effect estimation and bias detection through Egger regression. Int J Epidemiol 44:512-525, 2015
7)Bowden J, et al:Consistent Estimation in Mendelian Randomization with Some Invalid Instruments Using a Weighted Median Estimator. Genet Epidemiol 40:304-314, 2016
8)van Kippersluis H, et al:Pleiotropy-robust Mendelian randomization. Int J Epidemiol 47:1279-1288, 2018
9)Kang H, et al:Instrumental variables estimation with some invalid instruments and its application to Mendelian randomization. J Am Stat Assoc 111:132-144, 2016
10)Burgess S, et al:Combining information on multiple instrumental variables in Mendelian randomization:comparison of allele score and summarized data methods. Stat Med 35:1880-1906, 2016
11)Burgess S, et al:Multivariable Mendelian randomization:the use of pleiotropic genetic variants to estimate causal effects. Am J Epidemiol 181:251-260, 2015
12)Rees JM B, et al:Extending the MR-Egger method for multivariable Mendelian randomization to correct for both measured and unmeasured pleiotropy. Stat Med 36:4705-4718, 2017
13)Nishiyama T, et al:Genome-wide association meta-analysis and Mendelian randomization analysis confirm the influence of ALDH on sleep durationin the Japanese population. Sleep 42:zsz046, 2019
14)Davies NM, et al:Reading Mendelian randomisation studies:a guide, glossary, and checklist for clinicians. BMJ 362:k601, 2018