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特集 コロナで変わる健康教育とヘルスプロモーション


所属機関: 1順天堂大学大学院医学研究科グローバルヘルスリサーチ 2ケープタウン大学医学部 3カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校看護学部

ページ範囲:P.791 - P.799




1)WHO: Score for Health Data, Technical Package: Assessment summary for Myanmar 2013-2018. 2021 https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/documents/ddi/score/country-profiles/who_score_mmr_en.pdf.(2022年6月8日閲覧)
2)The World Bank: Current health expenditure, % of GDP-Myanmar. 2021 https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.XPD.CHEX.GD.ZS?locations=MM(2021年9月20日閲覧)
3)Soe ZW, et al: Myanmar's health leaders stand against military rule. Lancet 397(10277): 875, 2021
4)UNICEF: Myanmar situation reports: Humanitarian Action for Children. 2021 https://www.unicef.org/appeals/myanmar/situation-reports(2021年10月30日閲覧)
5)WHO: Surveillance system for attacks on health care. 2021
6)Newborn Care Coverage and Routine Immunization Coverage: Electronic Health Management Information System, Myanmar Public Health Reporting System by using DHIS2 open source. 2021 https://www.mohs.gov.mm/e-hmisdashboard.html(2021年12月10日閲覧)
7)Myanmar Information Management Unit: International NGOs. 2021 https://themimu.info/INGOs.(2021年12月12日閲覧)
8)Aung MN, et al: Amid political and civil unrest in Myanmar, health services are inaccessible. Lancet 397(10283): 1446, 2021
9)Mwai GW, et al: Role and outcomes of community health workers in HIV care in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. J Int AIDS Soc 16: 18586, 2013
1)WHO: Score for Health Data, Technical Package: Assessment summary for Myanmar 2013-2018. 2021 https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/documents/ddi/score/country-profiles/who_score_mmr_en.pdf.(Accesse on June 8, 2022)
2)The World Bank: Current health expenditure, % of GDP-Myanmar. 2021 https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.XPD.CHEX.GD.ZS?locations=MM(Accessed on September 20, 2021)
3)Soe ZW, et al: Myanmar's health leaders stand against military rule. Lancet 397(10277): 875, 2021
4)UNICEF: Myanmar situation reports: Humanitarian Action for Children. 2021 https://www.unicef.org/appeals/myanmar/situation-reports(Accessed on October 30, 2021)
5)WHO: Surveillance system for attacks on health care. 2021
6)Newborn Care Coverage and Routine Immunization Coverage: Electronic Health Management Information System, Myanmar Public Health Reporting System by using DHIS2 open source. 2021 https://www.mohs.gov.mm/e-hmisdashboard.html(Accessed on December 10, 2021)
7)Myanmar Information Management Unit: International NGOs. 2021 https://themimu.info/INGOs.(Accessed on December 12, 2021)
8)Aung MN, et al: Amid political and civil unrest in Myanmar, health services are inaccessible. Lancet 397(10283): 1446, 2021
9)Mwai GW, et al: Role and outcomes of community health workers in HIV care in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review. J Int AIDS Soc 16: 18586, 2013





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