It has been cause of the deepest sorrow to hear of the unexpected, sudden dis-appearance of my good friend, Prof. Yasushi Nakamura, on October 18th 1956, owing to cerebral haemorrhage.
It was hardly possible for me to believe that my distinguished Colleague, Pro-fessor of Ophthalmology at the Nippon Medical College since 1928, had left us! Just the month before I had again the pleasure of spending many happy hours with him during my visit to Japan, where he organized so kindly and perfectly my programme.
It was hardly possible for me to believe that my distinguished Colleague, Pro-fessor of Ophthalmology at the Nippon Medical College since 1928, had left us! Just the month before I had again the pleasure of spending many happy hours with him during my visit to Japan, where he organized so kindly and perfectly my programme.