連載 眼科図譜・50
The results of experiment of alloxan diabetie rabbits were reported.
Several cases of these rabbits were injected with cortison.
1.There is no significant change of ocular vessels of 10 diabetie rabbits.In 3 cases vas-cular change of retina was not found by injection of India ink.
2.In one case of diabetie rabbits(6 monthes) ciliary hemorrhage was found.
It is supposed that ciliary hemorrhage is due to capillary dilatation and capillary rupture at ciliary processes.
In one cases(3 monthes)we found peripheral subchoroidal hemorrhage
The results of experiment of alloxan diabetie rabbits were reported.
Several cases of these rabbits were injected with cortison.
1.There is no significant change of ocular vessels of 10 diabetie rabbits.In 3 cases vas-cular change of retina was not found by injection of India ink.
2.In one case of diabetie rabbits(6 monthes) ciliary hemorrhage was found.
It is supposed that ciliary hemorrhage is due to capillary dilatation and capillary rupture at ciliary processes.
In one cases(3 monthes)we found peripheral subchoroidal hemorrhage